Wicked Weed Brewing Chien de Ferme Ale

Our craft honors our childhood lessons. We were lucky to learn ours the hard way: 'stick with it,' 'wipe your tears,' 'earn your callouses,' and 'try to keep up with your Ol' Man.' These are the lessons that stay, working their way into our weathered flesh and aching bones until they are as much a part of us as our own names. Ferme de Chien is a foeder-rested, brettanomyces farmhouse ale. This pleasantly tart, lightly hoppy ale is fermented with over a pound per gallon of fresh Balaton cherries to reflect and echo that the craft of the old has not been wasted on the young. Ferme de Chien Brettanomyces Farmhouse Ale Fermented with Cherries. Taste Profile: Cherries, Tart and Hoppy. This pleasantly tart, lightly hoppy ale is fermented with over a pound per gallon of fresh Balaton cherries. 5.8% ABV. Wicked Weed Freme de Chien pairs well with hearty fish such as halibut and a variety of cheeses.