Sunniland Weed & Feed, St. Augustine, 20-0-6
Covers 5000 sq ft. For use on: St. Augustine. Centipede lawns. Broadleaf and grassy weed control with premium lawn food. Prevents crabgrass, paspalums and spotted spurge. Controls florida pusley, lippia, pigweed and as many as 44 other broadleaf and/or grassy weeds as listed on the back. Weeds Controlled or Supressed: annual bluegrass (poa annua); annual sowthistle; clover; black medic; blue toadflax; bull paspalum; buckhorn plantain; burclover; carolina geranium (cranesbill); chickweed (common & mouse-ear); cocklebur; common dandelion; common purslane; crabgrass; crowfoot grass; cudweed; cutleaf evening primrose; dichondra; dollarweed; florida beggarweed; florida betony (rattlesnake weed); florida pusley; fragrant cudweed (rabbit tobacco); henbit; knotweed; lambsquarter; lespedeza; lippia (matchweed); moneywort; narrowleaf vetch; oxalis (common, yellow woodsorrel); parsley-piert; paspalums; pigweed; purslane; ragweed; red sorrel; rescue grass; sandspur; shepards purse; sicklepad; spotted spurge; spurweed; stinging nettle; swinecrest; venus looking glass; virginia creeper; wild mustard; woods sorrel. Notice: Sunniland Corporation warrants that this product conforms to the chemical description on the label and is reasonably fit for the specific purposes referred to in the Directions for Use, subject to the inherent risks referred to above. To the extent consistent with applicable law, Sunniland Corporation makes no other express or implied warranty of fitness or merchantability liable for consequential, special or indirect damages resulting from the use or handling of this product.