Similac Soy Isomil Infant Formula, with Iron, Soy-Based Powder, Birth-12 Months

For fussiness & gas. No. 1 formula for complete soy nutrition. Similac Tummy Care guarantee. See side panel to learn more. OptiGro: DHA for brain. Lutein for eyes. Vitamin E for development. Our feeding expert hotline is available to help you with feeding questions: 800-986-8800. Breast milk is recommended. If you choose to use infant formula, the makers of Similac have a formula that's right for your baby. Have product-related questions? Call 1-800-515-7677, 8:30 am-5:00 pm, Eastern time, weekdays. Gluten free. C. Cohnii oil is a source of DHA. M. Alpina oil is a source of ARA.