Newman's Own Organics Salted Pretzel Rounds

USDA organic. The second generation. Reg. Penna. Dept. of Agr. (WPH). Certified organic by Oregon Tilth. The Genesis of Newman's Own Organic and The Pretzel: My father was a wonderful guy, enlightened and philanthropic, with an original perspective on just about everything. But when it came to eating right, he was just lucky that pretzels and popcorn were good for him. So after a year of toiling in the kitchen, I knew I had a pretzel Dad would kill for. Hey pa, why're you eatin' those bum pretzels? I asked. Bum? What do you know about pretzels? You're just a snot-nosed kid! he barked. Wanna bet? Said I. Here's my nickel, said Pa. How about your house, Mr. highroller? I asked. You're on! Dad shouted with glee. When I whipped out my bag of Newman's Own Organic Pretzels, he knew he'd been had. But once he took his first bite, losing the bet meant nothing. The taste of the pretzel lit up a smile like his Oscar did. you win, he said, face down in the pretzel bowl. So, I moved to the big house on the hill while Dad munched his pretzels in the barn. Taste testing here at Newman's Own Organics has shown that our health - conscious friends like these pretzels because of our organic ingredients. Our beer-drinking buddies like them because the pretzels taste great - and that's all they need to know. - Nell Newman. Made in the USA.