Malt-O-Meal® Corn Bursts® Cereal 25 oz. ZIP-PAK

Sweetened popped-up corn cereal. Twice as much! Compare to Corn Pops 12.5 oz box (Corn Pops is a registered trademark of Kellogg North America Company). Per 1 Cup Serving: 120 calories; 0 g sat fat (0% DV); 270 mg sodium (11% DV); 15 g sugars; iron (10% DV); vitamin D (10% DV). Resealable. Bigger size. Bigger deal (Bigger size and better deal claims based on comparison to net weight and suggested retail price per ounce of Corn Pops [Corn Pops is a registered trademark of Kellogg North America Company] 12.5 oz box). About 23 servings. 1 serving = 1 cup. Wake up with a bowl of Corn Bursts for a burst of corn and sunshine in the morning. These tender, puffed-up morsels of corn taste great and have no artificial flavors. Fortified with the goodness of essential vitamins and minerals, this breakfast selection is a top choice day after day. It's Time to Change the Way You Think About Cereal: Great tasting cereal doesn't have to come in a box and it doesn't have to be expensive. That's why every variety of Malt-O-Meal brand cereal is less spendy, earth friendly, and soooo tasty. Less Spendy: We believe that families deserve a good deal. Quality food at a fair price. Every day. And in today's economy, who isn't looking for smart ways to spend their money? You'll be pleased to know that ounce for ounce, year after year, Malt-O-Meal brand cereals cost less than the expensively advertised boxed brands. Earth Friendly: Some people think cereal in a bag is just plain weird. But, think about it. Every year, the cereal industry produces 2.3 billion boxes, all unnecessary, because inside every cereal box is a bag full (if you're lucky) of cereal. That's just double packaging, in our opinion. In fact our bags are 75% less consumer packaging waste to deal with than a comparable sized box with a bag inside (Based on the net weight of empty consumer packaging per pound of cereal delivered. For details, go to So c'mon, help give the earth a break! Soooo Tasty: But, does it taste good? Will my family like it? Find out for yourself. We guarantee you'll love it or we'll give you your money back. Top our cereals with milk and some fresh fruit, or just have some on the side to make Malt-O-Meal brand cereal part of a wholesome, delicious breakfast. Visit to learn more. Bag the Box: TerraCycle: Make an eco-difference. This package can be recycled. Visit to find out more. Taste Guarantee: We're sure your family will love our products! If you don't agree, your purchase will be refunded. Best if used by date and proof of purchase required. We also invite your questions and comments. Call: 1-800-743-3029 (8:00 am - 4:00 pm CT, weekdays). Write: Mom Brands, PO Box 1025 Lakeville, MN 55044 or visit our website at Made in USA.