Cheerios Large Size Sweetened Oat Cereal 14.2 oz
Made with real maple syrup and other natural flavors. Flavored with other natural flavors. No artificial flavors. Per 1 Cup Serving: 140 calories; 0g sat fat (0%DV); 160mg sodium (7%DV); 11g total sugars. See nutrition facts for as prepared information. 22g whole grain per serving at least 48g recommended daily. Gluten free. No artificial colors. Can help lower cholesterol (Three grams of soluble fiber daily from whole grain oat foods, like frosted Cheerios cereal, in a diet low in a saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease. Maple cheerios cereal provides .75 grams per serving). Contains bioengineered food ingredients. First ingredient whole grain oats. Maple fun fact. Did you know it takes 40 gallons of sap
from a maple tree to create i gallon of maple syrup? Connect the Buckets. Not all of these 40 buckets of sap are the same. Starting from the top of the bucket maze, place a Maple Cheerios 0 on each of the matching buckets. When you are complete, you will have created a path filling the bottle of maple syrup. Can you solve this puzzle? Start here. Finish. This package is sold by weight, not by volume. You can be assured of proper weight even though some settling of contents normally occurs during shipment and handling. A whole grain food is made by using all three parts of the grain. Back panel puzzle. Answer: Pour a bowl before you leave. Learn more at We welcome your questions and comments: Proud sponsor of Celiac Disease Foundation. No more clipping. Box Tops for Education. Scan receipt. See how at 100% recycled paperboard.