Dole Calcium/No Pulp Orange Juice

Dole® Calsium/No Pulp Orange Juice. 100% Juice Orange Juice From Concentrate. Pasteurized. 59 fl oz (1.8qt) 1.75L.
My profile: I like long sunrise runs, making things in my workshop, helping kids reach their potential. My best quality is... my smooth, energizing orange taste that helps build you up! My favorite activity is... sun bathing, ideally on a warm, breezy beach. My attitude is... begin every day with the aim to become a better you. Orange juice. Which Dole flavor are you Orange Strawberry Banana. Energetic. Orange Pineapple Banana. Playful. Orange Peach Mango. Daring. Sensation Lemon Lime. Free-spirited. Orange Pineapple. Bold. Pineapple. Independent. Sensation Watermelon. Funny. For something refreshing and exciting try Dole Sensation! 100% juice. 100% daily requirement of vitamin C, an antioxidant that supports a healthy immune system. Carton specially designed to preserve freshness. Happy To Be 100% Juice. No Sugar Added**. 100% Vitamin C. 2 Servings of Fruit per 8oz glass™. Contains concentrate from Brazil and the United States. Under license. Questions or comments Call 1-800-936-3653 **Not A Low Calorie Food. Under USDA's 2005 dietary guidelines, 4oz of 100% juice = 1 serving of fruit. The guidelines recommended that you get a majority of your daily fruit servings from whole fruit. ©2010 Duo Juice Co.