Ben & Jerry's Raspberry Fudge Chunk Greek Frozen Yogurt 16 oz

Ben & Jerry's Raspberry Fudge Chunk Greek Frozen Yogurt.
Raspberry Greek frozen yogurt with fudge chunks.
One pint (473 ml).
FSC mix packaging.
FSC C022232.
USA for approval numbers, see bottom.
Ben & Jerry's Homemade, Inc. 2011.
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Sweet eureka! It's our most epic fro yo yet, and it's uniquely Greek! Made with real Greek Yogurt, it's all the creamy richness of Greek yogurt, and Ben & Jerrily loaded with all the flavor boldness and fun chunks you expect. We think it's really Greekin' good and it'll pretty much rock your acropolis.
We oppose recombinant bovine growth hormone.
The family farmers who supply our milk & cream pledge not to treat their cows with rBGH. The FDA has said no significant difference has been shown & no test can now distinguish between milk from rBGH treated & untreated cows. Not all the suppliers of our other ingredients can promise that the milk they use comes from untreated cows.
Cows: Woody Jackson 1997.
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