Alovitox Yacon Syrup, Premium

Premium natural sweetener. USDA Organic. EU organic. Certified Organic by Control Union Certifications CU 021154. Vegan. Gluten free. GMO free. Food as nature intended. Prebioitic. Natural sweetener. Our Mission: To provide the highest quality natural food products to promote a happy lifestyle and a sustained physical well-being. Our mission is to transform your mind, body, and spirit by delivering food as nature intended. Use Alovitox Yacon Syrup, for a healthier diet! Benefits: low glycemic index. Weight management booster. Blood sugar regulator. High fiber & low calories. High FOS. 100% raw, vegan, gluten free. GMO-free, BPA free. JAS. BRC Food certified. For more information and recipes visit: Control Union Fair Choice: Social and Fair Trade Standard. BPA free. Product of Peru.