Ahold Potatoes, Russet
Per 1 Potato: 110 calories; 0 g sat fat (0% DV); 0 mg sodium (0% DV); 1 g total sugars. Guiding Stars: This easy navigation system helps you find foods throughout the store that give you the most nutrition for the calories. If you see Guiding Stars, this item's nutritional value is: One star, good. Two stars, better. Three stars, best. guidingstars.com. Excellent source of vitamin C. US No.1. Oval shape with hearty brown skin and white flesh. Light, fluffy and classic. Great for: baking, mashing, frying. 100% quality & trust guaranteed. Quality guaranteed or your money back. For product questions or concerns, contact us at 1-877-846-9949. Guiding Stars: 2. Product of USA.